Recurring Events
Fantastic Fox Assemblies
Each Friday our community gathers for an assembly to honor one “Fantastic Fox” in each class for a particular community virtue, like Perseverance, Balance, or Respect. Fridays 9:30-10:00 am.
Parent Action Council (PAC)
PAC is SFC’s Parent group - in lieu of a traditional PTA this group meets monthly to discuss fundraising for budgetary needs, campus beautification, community supports, and other activities. All family members with kids at SFC are PAC members! Generally PAC meets 2nd Thursdays of the month in the Library (or hybrid zoom) 5:45-7:30pm, dinner and childcare provided.
School Site Council (SSC)
Every school in SFUSD has an SSC to plan budgets and procedures. Generally SSC meets 3rd Thursdays of the month in the Library (or hybrid zoom) 5:30-7pm, dinner and childcare provided.
Project Open House
Project Open House (POH) celebrates the culmination of a 9-week period of interdisciplinary project-based learning. Families are invited to come hear their students present about what they have learned and made. POH happens at the end of each Fall and Spring semester.
Annual Events
All School Field Day
This whole-school field day takes place off-campus at a nearby park. Students, in mixed K-8 groups, engage in lawn games and picnic together. Families are welcome. Late September/Early October.
Kermes is our annual fall festival! Families get together at SFC to play carnival games, dunk teachers in a dunk tank, and eat delicious treats. Held late fall.
Read-a-Thon is our biggest fundraising event of the year, and a chance to celebrate reading as a whole community! Classes compete for most minutes read. Group reading activities happen across classrooms, we welcome published authors to campus, and more! Held early Spring.
Pancake Breakfast
Get to know our broader community while chowing down on delicious pancakes and jamming to live music. Held late Spring.
At the end of the year, each class “steps up” to the next grade at this ceremony. Chosen speakers from each grade give advice to the students entering their grade about what to expect.

Monthly PAC Meeting
In the SFC library - dinner and childcare provided!
Zoom hybrid:
Tonight's Agenda to be linked
All previous PAC meeting notes are posted here.

Monthly SSC Meeting
School Site Council (SSC) meetings monthly - 3rd Thursday of the month.
Zoom hybrid:
Important decisions for the school are made by a team of staff and previously elected caregivers. ALL families are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We hope to see you there! Notes Here

Pancake Breakfast 2025
Pancake Breakfast is a Saturday morning event full of pancakes, bacon, veggie sausage, and other delicious treats, live music, and craft activities for the whole family!
Tickets at the door or buy them ahead of time here.

8th Annual Read-a-Thon!
How it Works
Check your student’s backpack the week of March 10th for their Reading Log.
Help your student set their reading goal, counted in minutes. 30 minutes a day? 45 minutes a day, 120 minutes a day? All minutes spent reading, in school and at home, count towards a student’s and their class’s reading total for the week.
Share your donation page by text, email, or social media: send to family, friends, coworkers and neighbors who you can ask for donations to support your reader and our whole school. They won’t give unless you ask.

Art Build for Read-a-Thon!
Come to the library after Fantastic Fox assembly to help create door decor and book-themed art for the halls of SFC during Read-a-Thon!

Monthly PAC Meeting
In the SFC library - dinner and childcare provided!
Zoom hybrid:
Tonight's Agenda to be linked
All previous PAC meeting notes are posted here.

Family Conference Week
Make sure to schedule your meeting with your student’s teachers!
Early release at 2:30 every day this week.

Monthly SSC Meeting
School Site Council (SSC) meetings monthly - 3rd Thursday of the month.
Zoom hybrid:
Important decisions for the school are made by a team of staff and previously elected caregivers. ALL families are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We hope to see you there! Notes Here

PAC Meeting
In the SFC library - dinner and childcare provided!
Zoom hybrid:
Tonight's Agenda to be linked
All previous PAC meeting notes are posted here.

Monthly SSC Meeting
School Site Council (SSC) meetings monthly - 3rd Thursday of the month.
Zoom hybrid:
Important decisions for the school are made by a team of staff and previously elected caregivers. ALL families are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We hope to see you there! Notes Here

PAC Meeting
POSTPONED from 1/9/25 in the SFC library - dinner and childcare provided! Zoom hybrid:
Tonight's Agenda to be linked
All previous PAC meeting notes are posted here.

Project Open House
Project Open House celebrates the culmination of Projects, a 9-week period of interdisciplinary learning. Families are invited to come hear their students present what they have learned and made.

PAC Meeting
PAC (Parent Action Committee) Parents are an important of fostering our community. It takes a village. All our welcome. Food and child care provided.

Kermes Fall Festival
Join us for our annual fall festival. Enjoy food, drinks, carnival games, crafts, face painting, a dunk tank, & RAFFLE with fantastic prizes!!!

School Site Council Meeting
Our School Site Council (SSC) meeting Thursday, 10/17 online @ 5:30 at this link:
Important decisions for the school are made by a team of staff and previously elected caregivers. ALL families are welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!

Coleman Advocates Planning Session
Dinner, childcare, translation available.
RSVP here:

All School Field Day
Volunteer for Field Day! We need help:
Setting up at Balboa Park
Help running Field Day games
Host a craft or paint faces

All School Fantastic Fox Assembly
Every Friday SFC has Fantastic Fox Assemblies where we honor students who have modeled one of the 8 virtues of our community school. All families are welcome! Last assembly of the month is when Middle Schoolers join as well.

PAC Meeting
PAC (Parent Action Committee) Parents are an important of fostering our community. It takes a village. All our welcome. Food and child care provided.

Kindergarten Playdate
New and waitlisted families are invited to join us in the SFC playground for a chance to meet other incoming families. Families of current students will also be in attendance to answer any questions you might have just a couple of weeks into school!

PAC Meeting
PAC (Parent Action Council) Parents are an important of fostering our community. It takes a village. All our welcome. Food and child care provided.

Kindergarten Playdate
New and waitlisted families are invited to join us in the SFC playground for a chance to meet other incoming families. Families of current students will also be in attendance to answer any questions you might have before school starts!

Garden Work Day
Help us get the garden ready for the new school year! We especially need help with weeding, picking up trash, and mulching the pathways. Gloves and tools are provided. All ages welcome!