Welcome new Fantastic Foxes!


Tours are held in the Fall and Winter before the lottery assignment. If you were recently assigned to SFC or are interested in learning more about our community, stay tuned for upcoming welcome events. All tours are 9:30 - 10:45am here is our 24/25 tour schedule:

Th 10/10/24, Fri 10/25/24, Fri 11/8/24, Th 11/21/24, Fri 12/6/24, Th 1/16/25

Register here for a tour!

Welcome Events

We are thrilled to welcome you to our community! SFC hosts several welcome events for new families. Spring and summer playdates after lottery announcements in the SFC schoolyard to meet other new and current families, as well as fun spring community events like our Pancake Breakfast! You can also follow us on Instagram for news of upcoming events, or view and add our events to your calendar here.

  • Upcoming Welcome tour:

    • Friday, March 21st, 8:45a - 9:30a SFC Library for coffee and chat, Fantastic Fox Assembly 9:30a - 10:15a feel free to stay for a tour if you would like!

  • Upcoming playdates:

    • TBD

  • Upcoming Community Events:

Once School Starts

There are several ways to join and support the community once school has begun. 

  • Please fill out the Multipurpose Family Income Form from the School District each year. This helps our district receive state and federal funding.

  • Stay updated on community events, news, and volunteer opportunities by signing up to the SFC Families Mailing List, or our SFC Families What’sAPP chat.

  • Join the Parent Action Committee (PAC). Come for one meeting or many, all are welcome. Childcare and dinner are always provided. Meeting times and locations are listed on our Events page. Have a question? Email the PAC here.

Important Information

Is After School Care provided?

The SF Community Boys & Girls Clubs EXCEL after school program is located on-site at San Francisco Community School. The program provides:

  • Academic support, including homework help and tutoring

  • Sports, fitness, and play

  • Creative arts

  • Character & leadership

  • Health & life skills. 

The program provides care M, T, Th, & F 3:30-6:30 pm and Wednesday 2:15-5:30pm. The program is funded through EXCEL and is at no cost to families.

For more information about the SF Community Boys & Girls Clubs please contact Mia Amor Vega, the Site Director, at mvega@kidsclub.org OR visit the Clubs website: https://www.kidsclub.org/all-locations/san-francisco-community-school

There is no programmed care before school; however, gates typically open at 9:00 am with staff onsite for dropoff between 9:00 am and 9:30am bell time.

When will I know our teacher assignment?

Teacher assignments are confirmed in August and will be available in ParentVue. For kindergarten, an orientation will be held in August so students and families can meet their teacher before school begins.

How does Drop-off and Pick-up work?

The schoolyard opens with supervision at 9am and students may be dropped off at any time between 9:00 am and 9:30 am for free play.

K-3rd graders enter the Excelsior Street gate. 4-8th graders enter the London Street Gate. K-1 play in the Upper Yard while 2-8th gather and play on the Lower Yard

White curbs on London and Paris Streets allow for quick drop-offs, but parents MUST stay in car if using! Double parking not blocking the white zone is tolerated along London or Paris Streets for parents to accompany children into the school. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF ON EXCELSIOR AVE as it is both narrow AND an SFMUNI route.

At the 9:30 whistle, students assemble to go into their classrooms with their teachers. 

School ends at 3:45 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and at 2:15 and 2:30pm for 6-8 and K-5, respectively, on Wednesdays for early release. Teachers will bring students out to the gates for pickup at these times. Students attending the after school program are guided directly to the program by staff.

Do I need to provide school supplies for my student?

School supplies are provided by the PAC so you do not need to purchase them separately. It’s advisable to bring a backpack and water bottle. Breakfast and lunch are provided free to all students this year, but students may also bring their own healthy lunch.

Student Instruction

  • Science-based, inquiry-driven  Project Based Learning designed by teachers during two 9-week sessions each year.

  • Playworks - building cooperative playground skills and social-emotional skills through play.

  • Annual Read-a-Thon celebrating literacy as a whole community. 

  • Fine arts, music, library, and PE are offered for students in K-5 in a rotating fashion. Enrichment courses in grades 6-8 allow for deeper exploration of a particular subject. Some examples include stop-motion animation, music appreciation, and graffiti art.

Outdoor Learning

  • Full time Garden Educator sees all grades in the garden throughout the year.

  • Weekly garden club available to all students.

  • Annual camping trips for 8th graders.


  • New Library building with staff Librarian.

  • K-5 classes visit the library weekly for reading, online resources, and tinkering. 6-8 classes have access to the library and special sessions.


  • Inclusive Parent Action Council (PAC) with teams dedicated to Fundraising, Advocacy, Community Care, Events, Campus Beautification.

  • Dedicated Family Liaison, who supports second-language learner families via ELAC.

  • Junior coach program supported by  Playworks for 4-5 students.

  • Many community building events throughout the year.

  • Middle school clubs: Spirit Club, Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA), others depending on interest.


  • Wellness center with social worker, counselor, and psychologist.

  • Physical Education

  • Second Step social emotional curriculum

Middle School

  • Dedicated math and science instructors.

  • Basketball, track, and volleyball teams.

After School Program

  • Provided by the Boys and Girls Club onsite until 6:30.

  • No cost to families.
